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Monday, November 27, 2006 (read 941 times)

Poll Results: Not a single one of us would miss the chance to study Spanish!

by Erin

Results are in on our latest poll!

We asked if you had (or hoped to) study Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country.

And the results convince me to keep hanging out at this blog! I live and work in Spain because an acquaintance offhandedly recommended I take an immersion Spanish course back in 2001. I get the impression all of you would make the same recommendation. 77 visitors participated in the poll, with these results:

Studying Spanish abroad

Have you studied Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country?

Yes, in Spain
30 (38%)
Yes, in Latin America
13 (16%)
No, but I hope to, someday
34 (44%)
No, and I'm not tempted to do so!
0 (0%)

I like this crowd! Not one of us wouldn't sign up for a course!

As for my own experience, a one month course in Sevilla turned into 2 months, then another course a year later in Madrid, and night classes at the local university while I was back in the States. Two years after my first course in Sevilla, I stuttered my way through a job interview here in Salamanca, and I'm still here, and still working on the accent and the vocabulary, three years later.

May you all get the chance to take that Spanish course abroad! We'll do our best to connect you with websites, content, and resources that will help you prepare for it - and help you start your practical Spanish studies right where you are, for today.

Do us a favor and let us know how we are doing from time to time, okay?

Meanwhile a new poll is up: Where would you do your Spanish course, if you could start tomorrow?

Keywords: travel,study,spanish,spain,america


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