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Monday, March 13, 2006 (read 3159 times)

Fallas, the greatest fiesta of Valencia

by Paqui

Every year in March the Spanish city of Valencia transforms from a quiet business city into a place with a different smell, sound and colour. On its streets emerge strange monuments of huge sizes and funny appearance, its time for Fallas, one of the most popular "fiestas" of Spain.

During this celebration, the streets of Valencia are filled with lights and colour and local women dress with the traditional garments, the cardboard statues on the streets represent satires of the main events happened during the last year, the smell of powder from the fireworks and firecrackers is everywhere, as are flowers and music.

On the eve of March 19th, everything finishes, music stops and the last firecrackers announce the end. Valencia sets fire to a whole year of work and illusions, and purifies itself too. The statues are burnt at the astonishment of visitors who can only think about coming back to watch this magical spectacle once again the following year.

Want to study Spanish in Valencia? Ask for a free brochure

UPDATE: 2007 information about Las Fallas

Keywords: valencia,fiesta


1 » Wil (on Wednesday, February 2, 2011) said:

Fallas are just awesomeeeeeeeeeee!!! This year Im coming back for sure..

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