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Saturday, March 31, 2007 (read 3796 times)

Spanish expressions: ¡El caballo del malo?

by Erin

 El caballo del malo

This frase hecha has its origins in old time Westerns, many of which were filmed in Spain. Seems the Spanish noticed the good guys in the white hats always managed to catch up to the malos, always, without question. A charming phrase was born, one you're likely to hear a Spaniard mutter when his computer isn't working as quickly as he'd like, or while he's waiting on a friend to finish up and head out for tapas already:

Más lento que el caballo del malo.

It means?
Slower than the bad guy's horse.

Got a favorite Spanish expression? Leave it in the comments section!

Content shamelessly swiped from the don Quijote monthly newsletter.

Keywords: slang,expressions,culture,colloquial


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