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Monday, March 9, 2009 (read 998 times)

Read our Spanish and Latin Culture section... in English and Spanish!

by Stacey

We are excited to announce that don Quijote's is updating and translating its Spanish and Latin culture section. Soon you'll be able to read all of the English texts in Spanish and viceversa! To make up for the delay in this time-consuming task, we are including in each text a list of topic-related vocabulary and verbs we think will be useful to you in and out of class!

Discover our improved Culture section and begin your cultural reading with Spanish writers, Spanish painters or the magnificent Spanish sites! With new articles added and updated each week!Make your reading experience a learning experience… We would love to know what you're interested in reading, so leave us a comment!

Keywords: spanish culture,spanish verbs,spanish latin culture,vocabulary,travel,study spanish,study,spanish


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