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Thursday, January 26, 2012 (read 1098 times)

Salamanca University An Evolution In Education

by Dilek

Recently, The University of Salamanca (USAL) has developed several new regulations and continues to increase the quality of education in many fields in terms of intercultural relations.

The University of Salamanca and Virtual Educa have agreed on terms for the creation of a future Ibero-American area of higher education. Both institutions signed a collaboration agreement for the joint organization of a biennial Conference on higher education and innovation that linked to the forum for higher education, internationalization and innovation by Virtual Educa, within the framework of its annual international meeting, in Latin America and the Caribbean.

An agreement which is acclaimed "very important" by the rector of the USAL, Daniel Hernández Ruipérez and the Secretary General of Virtual Educa, José María Antón for the construction of a future Latin American area of higher education. In this regard, it is emphasized that there must be a relationship with the European universities “course through the universities”, in order to implement joint projects and exchange students analogous to what in Europe has been the Erasmus programme.

The goal, added by the general Secretary of Virtual Educa, is to have the same development in Latin America and “encourage the creation of a common space, such as the Bologna”, he stressed Anton, who sees in the Campus of excellence of the USAL “a great example”.

The transnationalism, culture and language exchange have become an important issue that must be taken into consideration in a wider extent. In this context, The President of the Junta de Castilla y León, Juan Vicente Herrera, offered to the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, José Ignacio Wert, export “Model of Salamanca” to the universities of Hispanic America as a whole. As explained above, the University of Salamanca USAL has promoted initiatives of exchange of faculty, student mobility of studies and degrees.

He stressed higher academic institutions are playing a crucial role in the modernization of the country, as well as the construction of a mature, educated, enterprising, solidary, driving society and engine of change towards a model of smart growth to leave behind the crisis and, above all, to build a future based on the training, knowledge and excellence.” The salmantine academic institution, must reverse the use of  “all the advantages deriving from strong historical, cultural and academic ties, also structured around as universal as the Spanish and Portuguese languages”

The Minister considered that Salamanca represents a milestone for the Spanish Universities and for the other side of the ocean he said, "drink of the spirit born here".

Within this constant innovation and development, Salamanca is an ideal place for learning Spanish, live the culture and studying. The university and the city offer a warm and lively atmosphere with full of excitement.

Keywords: university of salamanca, language exchange, erasmus, ibero-american, education


1 » raquel (on Monday, February 13, 2012) said:

Salamanca is a beautiful town full of students and very easy to live in. Also you can find good accommodation for very affordable rates.

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