Spanish Teaching, Our blog for teachers and students of Spanish

Home Page » Archives by month (March 2015)

This is the list of all contributions published on this web site, in chronological order.

Por and Para - Examples

by Salomé Torres on 3/26/2015

As I was saying a couple of weeks ago, I think that Cognitive Grammar is extremely useful for teaching the difference between POR and PARA.We have to look for a unique grammatical meaning that can be expressed in… more »

Cell Phones in the Classroom?

by Lauris on 3/20/2015

Versión española abajoA few weeks ago we took a look at the decision, the dichotomy, the debate, and the duality between paper books and eBooks. My personal inclinations ended up slipping into the discussion as usual… more »

The Difference between POR and PARA

by Salomé Torres on 3/12/2015

Understanding the difference between por and para can be a constant challenge for students learning Spanish. Even students at high levels continue mixing up the two prepositions that have caused so many headaches for… more »

Explaining Ser and Estar

by Salomé Torres on 3/5/2015

Last week I was talking about how helpful a cognitive grammar approach can be for explaining ser and estar, which later initiated a discussion with my colleagues who put forth examples that seemed to refute the… more »

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