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How to teach and learn vocabulary in Spanish class

by Esther on 7/21/2016

How to teach and learn vocabulary in Spanish classThe old and new ways of teaching vocabulary in Spanish classesWe all know that in order to learn vocabulary you have to use it in an appropriate context, and that the… more »

Being an examiner for the DELE official Spanish exams

by Esther on 7/14/2016

Being an examiner for the DELE official Spanish examsAdvantages of taking the DELE for Spanish studentsThis Friday, July 15th, thousands of students will once again face the official Spanish-language proficiency exam… more »

How to make presentations for our Spanish classes

by Esther on 7/7/2016

How to make engaging and professional presentations for our Spanish classes All teachers have their own little bag of tricksAs teachers, we all like to create our own materials to use in the Spanish classroom. To do… more »

Are you a Teacher 2.0?

by Esther on 6/30/2016

Education Technology for teachersThe field of Spanish as a Foreign Language or Second Language (ELE / EL2) Teaching has evolved, and although many still resist, we must adapt to the times in which we live. It's time to… more »

La Actualización Permanente - Una Obligación del Enseñante

by Lauris on 9/10/2015

Algunas veces me han preguntado el porqué de mi dedicación a la ELE desde hace tanto tiempo, generalmente personas bienintencionadas que no comprenden bien por qué, en lugar de optar por un sueldo de funcionario y… more »

El Español - Múltiples Facetas de una Lengua Común

by Lauris on 6/9/2015

Hace un par de semanas, el suplemento dominical del periódico El País publicó un extenso artículo, de la pluma de Álex Grijelmo, un experto en la Lengua Española, autor de algunos títulos fundamentales para todos los… more »

Grappling with Language During the Campaign Season

by Lauris on 5/22/2015

As teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language we love “authentic materials” and we are always on the lookout for a television or radio advert which fits in perfectly with the topic of a class or we make use of the daily… more »

Funny Matters which Cause Us to Stop and Think

by Lauris on 5/7/2015

It is always helpful and advantageous to add a dash of humor to our classes (personally, I like to use examples which “shock” my students because this will make sure that they really remember what I have taught them… more »

World Book Day in Spain

by Lauris on 4/30/2015

April 23rd is World Book Day. This is a fitting annual commemoration as it is celebrated on the same day that Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare died way back in 1616.It is also somewhat of a coincidence that… more »

A Fun Activity to Practice POR and PARA

by Salomé Torres on 4/23/2015

One thing that all investigations into foreign language teaching and learning agree on is that it is profitable to teach grammar in the classroom. Gone are the days when purists used to deny the effectiveness of… more »

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